Sunday's State of Mind

by - April 04, 2016

Pre-monday blues starts creeping in when you plonk yourself infront of your computer on a Sunday night and relish on those travel memories.
I am as always, in awe of incredibly blue skies and this set was another unintentional encounter. No one was found on the upper decks because the sun was blazing hot at close to 40 degrees. You could easily get a heat stroke just sticking around for awhile!
We found ourselves lurking around for a good spot and this was it. The picturesque view of the pictures shot succinctly described our cruise experience - clear skies + vast ocean + gushing wind + sun deck = freedom and liberation. Never a moment we felt enclosed on a ship because it never felt like one!
This was also one of my favourite outfits, going nautical with navy and white, conveniently blending in with our nature backdrop. I've been going a little gaga over bell sleeved tops and bell curved pants (or generally just pants) and it's not gonna stop for quite awhile! I got my pants from Bugis for a steal too. 

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