We sailed to our destination through an MRT ride, a bus ride and a nearly tulmoutous walk under the treacherous sun. Reena then figured out there was a shuttle bus from One-North MRT Station half way through our meal, which saved us quite a bit of walking on the way back! Phew.
I absolutely love the simple and classic monochrome decor filled with magazines, wooden tables and potted plants. The entire place just calls for a wonderful photo opportunity! if you're looking for a quaint place to settle down for an afternoon, Hoopla Cafe definitely scored a couple of brownie points. We decided to stay unusually longer to soak in the peaceful ambience. It also served as a breather for me after an incredibly hectic week of weaving through meetings, phone calls and paper work. Amidst the busyness, I give thanks to Daddy God Who has been showering me with truckloads of favour and wisdom.
Hoopla Coffee & Kitchen
#01-05, Infinite Studios21 Media Circle
Tel: +65 6778 0051
Tue to Sun: 9am – 6pm